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  • Sports After Lockdown: Take It Slow

    You may be tempted to jump right back into things as playing fields, courts, gyms and other athletic facilities reopen, but it's best to take some time for conditioning first, the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) says.

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  • How to stay fit when all the gyms are closed

    Source: Medical Xpress

    For many of NC State's faculty and staff, swinging by the gym before work in the morning or on the way home in the evening is a normal part of their day—or at least it was, until the coronavirus pandemic upended everyone's routines.

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  • Sports Injury Prevention Using the 10 Percent Rule

    Source: Verywell Fit

    Once you know you can safely exercise the main thing to remember is that you need to progress slowly. The 10 percent rule is a guideline many fitness experts use to help both experts and beginners avoid injury, yet they still see continual improvement in performance.

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  • What to Know About Trapezius Trigger Points

    Source: Healthline

    The trapezius is a large band of muscles that spans the upper back, shoulders, and neck. You may develop trigger points along the bands of the trapezius. These are raised parts of the muscle that can be painful. This article will explore trapezius trigger points (TTP) and how you can treat them to eliminate muscle pain.

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  • An arm and shoulder workout you can do at home

    Source: Today

    Heeding the advice to stay home may be a good way to curb the spread of the coronavirus, but it can put a damper on your usual fitness routine. The good news is that there are many ways to re-create your workout at home, and doing so will not only keep your body in shape, it’ll help boost your mood. Are you ready to step it up with a simple arm and shoulder workout?

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  • Pain at the front of the hip: What to know

    Source: Medical News Today

    Several things can cause front hip pain, including fractures, strains, and arthritis. To treat front hip pain, a doctor might suggest a combination of home remedies and pain relief medications.

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  • Study finds diverse diet as effective as sports supplements for female athletes

    Source: Medical Xpress

    A recently released study from the University of Montana has discovered that common "edge," sports nutrition products, are no more effective at promoting recovery in female athletes as regular, carbohydrate-rich, often less-expensive potato-based foods.

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  • ACL Tears and Surgery in Adults

    Source: Verywell Health

    Injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is a common sports-related injury that we often talk about in young, athletic people. However, with individuals continuing athletic activities into their 40s, 50s, and even later in life, the same injuries are occurring more and more in an older population.

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  • Exercises to Strengthen Your Rotator Cuff Muscles

    Source: Verywell Health

    The rotator cuff muscles can be prone to inflammation and tears during overhead activities or due to wear and tear. An important way to reduce tears or rotator cuff injury is by strengthening these muscles.

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  • Treatment Options for Calcific Tendonitis of the Shoulder

    Source: Verywell Health

    Calcific tendonitis is a common source of shoulder pain and can be a frustration given the severity of pain and the duration of symptoms. However, the news is not all bad! On a positive note, the vast majority of patients do find relief with nonsurgical treatments for this condition.

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